5 Effective Techniques to Improve Your Memory

As we age, it’s common to experience forgetfulness. Memory decline can begin as early as your 30s, and it can be frustrating to find yourself in a room without remembering why you entered.  

However, experts say we shouldn’t stress too much about forgetting things because our brains aren’t designed to remember everything. Plus, there are easy and scientifically proven techniques that can significantly improve your memory. 

You have common healthy habits like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, managing stress, and eating a balanced diet. But aside from those, there are more effective, specific techniques that can help you: 


Create Associations 

Making associations can help you remember many things like names or dates. Try linking new information to songs, movies, or mental images. For instance, if you meet someone named Rose, you might picture a rose flower to help you remember their name. 

There’s a technique called the Baker/baker paradox which essentially explains that we remember information better when it has more vivid and related associations. By associating new information with something familiar, you enhance your ability to remember it. 


Simply Pay Attention 

It might seem obvious, but paying attention is important. We often forget something because we didn’t focus on the information in the first place, so experts suggest taking the time to really concentrate. 

When talking to someone new or in an important meeting, try to quiet your internal monologue and focus on the person or task at hand. Make an effort to be present and attentive to create lasting memories. 


Say It Out Loud 

Saying what you’re doing out loud also helps create a memory. For instance, you can say “I’m putting my keys on the coffee table” before walking away to make sure you don’t forget it later.  

This is known as the “production effect” which demonstrates that the dual action of speaking and hearing oneself has the most beneficial impact on memory. In other words, you are more likely to remember something if you say or read it out loud. 


Challenge Yourself Daily 

Think of your memory as like a muscle that gets stronger with exercise. If you’d really like to improve your memory, Neurologist Richard Restak recommends daily memory challenges, such as memorizing grocery lists or driving without GPS. These exercises force your brain to work harder and therefore improve your recall abilities.] 

You can also challenge your memory by playing games like bridge or chess as these games require strategic thinking and help keep your brain engaged and sharp. Regularly challenging your brain with these activities can improve your cognitive abilities and memory over time. 


“Elaborative Rehearsal” 

Elaborative rehearsal is a powerful technique that involves linking new information to what you already know. Though similar to creating association, it goes deeper and more elaborate than the former. 

A good example of this is using a mnemonic device as it involves creating meaningful and memorable connections to help you remember something. For example, if you’re trying to remember the order of the planets in our solar system, you might use the sentence “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). 


Another effective strategy is to explain the information to someone else. Teaching what you’ve learned forces you to organize your thoughts and make the information clearer in your mind. This process not only helps solidify your understanding but also reinforces the memory. Incorporate all these scientifically proven effective techniques into your daily routine and you’ll be well on your way to improve your memory.  

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