We’re Halfway Through the Year: Have You Achieved Your Goals? 

Do you remember when you were looking forward to the start of a new year? Well now, in the blink of an eye, we’re already halfway through it. Can you believe it?  

One minute you were setting up goals and resolutions for the year ahead and the next thing you know, six months have passed in a flash. It’s true what they say, time passes by so quickly!  

As we now reach the second half of the year, it may be a good opportunity to reflect on your goals: have you achieved them already or do you still need to work on them? 

Maybe you’ve crossed off a goal or two from your list, or maybe you’re still working up the courage to start one. The good news is, you don’t have to worry if you’re behind on your list of things to achieve. What’s important is for you to look back, reflect and take the next steps to achieve them  

Luckily, that’s where we can help. 

If you’re struggling to achieve your goals, here are some things you could do: 


1 Pause and reflect 

Sometimes it can be overwhelming to keep track of your goals and plans for the year. It’s perfectly normal to feel a little lost and pressured, especially knowing that half of the year has passed.  

It can help if you take the time to reflect by answering the following questions: 

    • What have you achieved so far? 

List down the things that you’ve achieved from the first half of the year. Not only will this help you keep track of your progress, but it will also allow you to give yourself some credit and celebrate your wins, may it be big or small. 

    • What else do you want to achieve? 

Do you have goals that you still have not worked on? Or do you want to work on some new goals? List them all down and you’ll get to them later. 

    • How do you want to achieve them? 

Now that you have a list of goals, your next step is to plan how you want to achieve them. Planning can be hard but a good thing to keep in mind is the SMART acronym. Are your goals Specific? Measurable? Attainable? Realistic? Time-bound?


2 Gather inspiration 

If you’re lacking inspiration and motivation, it’s hard to have the strength to do the things you need to do. If you need some inspiration, here are some tips to help you: 

    • Change your environment  

Try to go out of your house or go to a different place. This can help you gain a different perspective and spark inspiration in you. 

    • Learn something new 

Step out of your comfort zone and find a new hobby or learn new skills. 

    • Create a visual board 

This can also help you visualize your goals better through imagery and words. 


3 Plan and execute 

You have your list of things to achieve, you know what to do and you’ve got inspiration to fire you up. All that’s left to do now is for you to create your exact plan and execute it. Remember, if you start to have troubles again, just pause and reflect, then get some inspiration to help you get back up. 


Best of luck! 

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