Top Tips to Maximise your Annual Leave: What to do with Your Time Off 

Our annual leave serves as the pause to our daily grind. It allows us to take that necessary time off from work to recharge ourselves and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

Almost all UK workers are entitled to at least 28 days of paid annual leave a year but how can you make sure that you’re making the most out of those limited number of days? 

Fret not, because we’ve got you covered! 

Here are top tips to maximise your annual leave: 


Top Tips to Maximise your Annual Leave


1 Use Public Holidays Wisely 

calendar with markings

 Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash


Public holidays are a great way to extend your time off without using up too much of your annual leave. You can make vacation plans around these strategically placed days to create extended weekends or even week-long escapes. Planning a trip around these dates not only lets you unwind for a longer time but also ensures you’re in sync with local celebrations and festivities. 


2 Pursue Passion Projects 

person working on a puzzle

Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash 


Chances are that your day-to-day routine leaves little room for hobbies and interests that bring you joy. Your vacation is the perfect opportunity to pursue those! 

Time to dust off that paintbrush, pick up that musical instrument, or dive into that novel you’ve been meaning to read. You can even opt for upskilling and finally learn that skill or course you’ve been wanting to study! 

Engaging in passion projects during your time off can be incredibly fulfilling and can ultimately recharge your energy.


3 Plan to Travel 

person on the airport

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash 


While relaxation is key, don’t shy away from the thrill of exploring new horizons. Use your annual leave to travel to places you’ve never been before, and experience cultures, cuisines, and landscapes that are far removed from your everyday life. 

Embracing the unfamiliar can be invigorating and can broaden your perspective in ways you never imagined. The experience you’ve gathered can even allow you to become a better person for work! 


4 Simply Relax 

candle and coffee beside window

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash 


While it’s tempting to pack your time off with travel plans and outdoor activities, nothing beats the relaxation of simply allowing yourself to take a pause from life and unwind. Remember, an ideal vacation is when you allow yourself to do whatever makes you completely comfortable. 

Slow down, read a book, lounge by the pool, or take long walks on the beach. Take this as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and let go of the pressure to be constantly on the go. 


5 Practice Mindful Reflection 

person meditating

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash 


As your annual leave draws to a close, take some time for mindful reflection. Jot down your favourite moments, thoughts and insights gained during your time away. Use this reflection as a source of inspiration for your everyday life, helping you carry the rejuvenating effects of your vacation well beyond its last day. You could even try out journaling for this! 


6 Embrace Spontaneity 

person holding a camera to their face

Photo by Abrahan Echeverria on Unsplash 


While planning is important, you can always leave room for serendipity. Some of the most memorable experiences happen when you’re open to the unexpected. 

Strike up a conversation with a local, stumble upon a hidden gem, or take a detour from your planned route. Allowing for spontaneity can lead to delightful surprises and enriching adventures. 



Your annual leave is a valuable resource that you should maximise and savour to the fullest. By doing the things listed above, you can elevate your annual leave from a simple time off, to a transformative experience! 

So, go ahead and plan that dream trip, unwind without guilt and return home with a heart full of memories and a recharged soul.  

Your next adventure awaits – make the most of it! 

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