How to Enjoy Summer While Working

As summer rolls in, many of us are excited to soak in the sun and get some well-earned relaxation. However, for some, it can be quite a challenge to enjoy summer while working. 

You may see your acquaintances go on fun summer trips and find yourself wondering why you couldn’t do the same. The good news is, it’s definitely possible to immerse in summer activities while also doing your 9 to 5 work diligently. 

Here are 6 tips that can help you enjoy summer while working: 


Define Your Priorities 

First, identify what’s most important to you during the summer. You don’t have to attend every event but commit to activities you actually love. Knowing your top priorities will help you allocate time and effort accordingly, striking a balance between your work and personal life.  

It could be as simple as staying at home to read that book you’ve been putting on hold or going on an out-of-country weekend vacation. Stick with what you find enjoyable and prioritise it. 


Stay on Top of Your Schedule 

Make sure to manage your schedule efficiently so that you’ll have enough time to pursue leisure outside of work. Use a planner or digital calendar to help you organise your tasks for work, leisure and other things. You can also use your planner to manage your work tasks effectively, minimising the risk of having to do work outside of your working hours. 


Set Boundaries 

Clearly define your working hours and communicate them to colleagues and clients. This creates dedicated time for personal activities and prevents work from encroaching on your personal life. 

Additionally, make it a habit to turn off your work phone and computer at the end of the workday. This separation allows your mind to relax and helps you engage more fully in leisure activities. 


Use Public Holidays and Annual Leave Wisely 

Knowing how to plan around public holidays and using your annual leave strategically can help you get a good amount of time to relax outside of work. For example, you can take advantage of long weekends to plan short trips or if you want a longer break, you can take a few days off around public holidays to extend your time. 


Unplug and Recharge 

Unplugging from work and technology can also benefit your relaxation greatly. Make it a habit to take a break from your phone, social media and emails, especially during vacations. Turn off your phone or set it to silent when spending time with family or friends to truly enjoy quality moments without any distractions. 

You can also consider using a screen time-limiting app to help you stay accountable and make informed decisions about your technology use. 


Embrace Flexibility 

Depending on your work, it may be possible to explore flexible work arrangements during the summer. Remote work or flexible hours can help you better manage personal activities while still fulfilling work duties. Over 72% of UK employers have offered total work location flexibility for their people in 2023 so if plausible, try to discuss these options with your employer. 


Maintaining a work-life balance during the summer is important for your well-being, and it doesn’t even have to be hard to do. With a bit of smart planning and using your time wisely, you can be diligent in your work while still being able to enjoy what summer has to offer. Follow these tips and you’ll surely be able to enjoy summer while working! 

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