This Free Happiness Course is from the Happiest Country in the World

Curious about what it’s like to live in the happiest country in the world? Finland might just have the answers. 

For seven consecutive years, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world, and now you can find out why with their free happiness course, ‘Find You Inner Finn’. The secret to their happiness? A unique blend of cultural practices, values, and a profound connection to nature. 

Let’s learn more about it below. 


“Find Your Inner Finn” – Free Happiness Course 


The “Find Your Inner Finn” online course is featured in the country’s official travel guide, Visit Finland, and according to them, happiness is a skill that can be learned. Intriguing right? 

This course takes you on a journey through Finnish lifestyle and values, focusing on the four core themes: Nature & Lifestyle, Health & Balance, Design & Everyday, and Food & Wellbeing. 


Nature and Lifestyle: Discover the profound connection between Finns and their natural surroundings and learn how to incorporate this bond into your daily routine. 

Health and Balance: Learn about the relationship between trust and happiness, find your anchor with practical strategies for maintaining balance and knowing when ‘enough’ is truly enough. 

Design & Everyday: Explore the secrets of Finnish design and sustainability and learn how doing something with your hands on a daily basis can widen your approach to happiness. 

Food & Wellbeing: Experience the joy of cooking and savouring Finnish delicacies, packed not only with flavour, but actual health benefits for your wellbeing.  


Your Ticket to Happiness 

The course includes full video lessons, engaging hands-on tasks, exclusive insights, and as if the course isn’t helpful enough, you can even download free certificates for each lesson! 

The “Find Your Inner Finn” happiness course is more than just an educational program; it’s an invitation to transform your life. By embracing the principles that make Finland the happiest country in the world, you can uncover a deeper sense of joy, resilience, and connection in your own life. 

Ready to start on your journey to happiness? Join the course here and discover the secrets of Finnish joy. 

More free online course with free certificates here. 

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