Free Youth Workshops on British Red Cross

The British Red Cross offers free youth workshops on their website that kids aged 10-19 can join.  

Empowering the younger generation with essential life skills and a compassionate understanding of the world around them is a crucial step in shaping resilient communities. The British Red Cross recognizes this need and offers a series of impactful and free educational workshops tailored to children and young people aged 10 to 19. 

These workshops cover a spectrum of topics, including first aid, wellbeing, migration, and more. By engaging participants in interactive sessions, the British Red Cross aims not only to impart knowledge but also to foster confidence, empathy, and resilience. 

Here are some of the free youth workshops you can check out on their website: 


First Aid Workshop 


Duration: 60 minutes 

Group size: 5 to 35 

Delivery: Online, face-to-face (eligible groups only) 


In this workshop, students will be taught essential first aid skills within its short session of an hour. Through exercises and guidance, participants can gain confidence in helping in critical situations using everyday objects. 

Additionally, they will learn how to seek support for their own injuries or illnesses, empowering them to be proactive and responsive in emergency situations.  


Empathy Plus Migration Workshop 


Duration: 60 minutes 

Group size: 5 to 35 

Delivery: Online, face-to-face (eligible groups only) 


Migration remains a pertinent global issue, and the British Red Cross addresses it through workshops aimed at developing empathy and understanding among young individuals. 

By immersing themselves in stories and perspectives of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, learners will develop a deeper understanding and challenge preconceived notions. This workshop encourages participants to empathize with the plight of others and promotes inclusivity within communities. 


Coping With Challenges Workshop 


Duration: 60 minutes 

Group size: 5 to 35 

Delivery: Online, face-to-face (eligible groups only) 


This workshop focuses on imparting resilience-building skills that’ll help them cope with whatever challenge they face. Specifically, learners will be able to: 

  • explain how people can cope with challenges using the four pillars of resilience 
  • understand the relationship between connections with others and resilience 
  • feel confident to apply what they have learnt to better cope with challenge 


The British Red Cross’ commitment to nurturing the potential of young minds through these free youth workshops is commendable. By imparting practical knowledge and fostering empathy and resilience, these initiatives not only enrich the lives of participants but also contribute significantly to creating a more compassionate and prepared society. These workshops serve as a testament to the organization’s dedication to education and community welfare, empowering the youth to become tomorrow’s leaders. 

To learn more about these free youth workshops or to book a workshop, make sure to browse their website here. 

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